The Wild Horse: A Symbol of the West
Americans often associate the wild horse with independence and freedom, characteristics that, as a nation, Americans identify with and value. As a component of national identity, many believe the wild horse needs to be protected. Under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, the BLM aims to manage, protect, and control wild horses and burros on public lands. It is because wild horses and burros are considered “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West” and “they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people” that this Act was mandated. However, there is much controversy over the most effective way to manage wild horses.
Sandwash Basin
The Sandwash Basin Herd Management Area is the largest in the state. It covers 158,000 acres of public lands between Vermillion Bluffs and Sevenmile Ridge. This area’s history reaches back to prehistoric times and is a modern treasure chest for any adventurous geologist or archaeologist.
Sand Wash Basin is home to one of the few remaining herds of free-roaming wild mustangs in the United States. No one should miss the breathtaking sight of these rugged beauties running free. While the territory is expansive, most visitors can easily spot the grazing horses along the county roads that bisect the land.
Sand Wash Basin is a high desert area surrounded by ridges and mesas. Lookout Mountain on the northeast boundary is the highest point in the HMA at 8,120 feet, and the lowest point is where Sand Wash exits the HMA at an elevation of 5,800 feet. The Sand Wash Basin receives 7 to 12 inches of annual precipitation, and the climate is typical of the cold deserts of the Rocky Mountain Region, with warm summers and very cold winters. Vegetation types within the HMA include sagebrush/bunchgrass, saltbush, and pinyon-juniper woodlands.
No services are available in this area so be prepared with a full tank of gas, water, food, adequate clothing and gear for the elements. A 4 wheel drive, high clearance vehicle is recommended, especially in the spring, as this is mud season. A great set of binoculars and a telephoto wide-angle lens camera is also recommended.
Unique viewing opportunity
The horses of Sand Wash Basin come in a variety of colors and color patterns. Grey and sorrel are the most frequently seen colors, but visitors might also see palominos, blacks, red and blue roans, bays, buckskin, duns and paints.
The herd divides itself into bands — groups of two to 12 horses led by a mare and usually protected by one stallion. The lead mare will guide the band to watering holes, food and protection from the weather.
Spring is peak breeding season. Lone stallions try to gain control of a band of horses by fighting the band’s stallion or by encouraging females to leave and start their own band. Stallions also try to encourage mares to join their established band. All of these band dynamics makes for interesting horse viewing when the stallions snort, rear up and kick each other in battles for dominance.
Through the end of May, wild horses are also at the peak of their foaling season. This active period at Sand Wash Basin makes it an ideal time for a visit, especially before the temperature rises considerably during the summer, when daytime highs can reach 100 degrees or more.
The horses are curious but cautious. The best method for viewing the horses is to drive along the county roads in Sand Wash Basin. The roads, although in pretty good condition most of the year, are not maintained and can become difficult to drive and even impassable in wet weather. Vehicles also are allowed to drive on the two-track roads. Hiking is permitted anywhere within the BLM property.
Look for the horses along ridges and at the watering holes, which are noted on the area map by blue dots. Once you find a band of horses, avoid chasing them.
Instead, pick a spot and quietly watch them. Often, they will become curious about you and move toward you.
Sand Wash Basin has three driving areas: Loop A, Loop B and Sevenmile Ridge. Loop A can be an ideal location to find the horses with several dozen seen along County Road 126 and County Road 80. Sevenmile Ridge has two watering holes near County Road 75 on County Roads 66N and 66W and provides beautiful landscape views to the east.
In addition to the horses, Sand Wash Basin is also home to pronghorn antelope, sage grouse, coyotes, burrowing owls, elk and mule deer.
The entire basin is open to hiking but be prepared for backcountry exploration by carrying a map and compass. Motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle riding are permitted in the open areas in the southwest portion of the basin. Seasonal large and small game hunting is also permitted.
There is no cellphone reception or facilities at Sand Wash Basin so bring water, food and equipment in case of emergency. Although most of the roads are packed gravel and dirt, the clay soil can become extremely slippery in wet weather so be alert to changes in the weather. A four-wheel drive vehicle is recommended for any driving off the county roads. Tell someone your travel plans and when you anticipate arriving back in civilization.
Spring and Summer
The horses are distributed throughout Sandwash Basin. Horses can be seen on ridge tops during the warmest time of the day.
Winter Places
Roads are not maintained during the winter and can be difficult to travel.
Best Chance for Viewing
Travel County Road 67 to Sheepherder Springs. County Roads 48, 80, 52, 126 and 67 are good routes to follow when looking for horses.
Best Travel
Stay on marked roads for the safest viewing trip. Four-wheel drive is recommended but two-wheel drive vehicles can be used during summer months if it is dry. Roads can become impassable during wet weather.
In the mid-20th century, wild horses were harvested for commercial purposes. Velma Johnston, a secretary from Reno, Nev., was appalled by these activities. She led a grassroots campaign with school children to raise awareness about the harvesting. Her leadership led to the Wild Horse Annie Act in 1959, which prohibited the use of motorized vehicles to hunt wild horses and burros on public lands.
The population of wild horses continued to decline because of loss of habitat and elimination of the animals.
On Dec. 15, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon signed into law the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 providing further federal protection of the wild horses and burros on public lands.
Today, the BLM manages wild horses through the Wild Horse and Burro Program. In February 2013, the BLM estimated 40,605 wild horses and burros lived on 31.6 million acres, of which 26.9 million acres are BLM-managed lands in 10 western states.
Wild Mustangs
In 1971, wild horses and burros were found roaming across 53.8 million acres of Herd Areas (HAs), of which 42.4 million acres were under the BLM’s jurisdiction. Today the BLM manages wild horses and burros in subsets of these HAs, known as Herd Management Areas (HMAs) that comprise 31.6 million acres, of which 26.9 million acres are under BLM management.
The Sand Wash HMA is generally located 45 miles west of Craig, Colorado, in the Sand Wash Basin. The boundary of the HMA is fenced, except along State Highway 318, generally preventing wild horses from entering or leaving the HMA. There are no fences within the HMA, allowing horses to roam freely within the confines of the basin.
The horses within the HMA exhibit many different colors. Among the most common are grey and sorrel, although most colors and color patterns can be found, including buckskins, duns and paint. Genetic analysis indicates the highest similarity for the herd was to the Iberian derived Spanish breeds, followed by Gaited breeds, North American breeds and Arabian breeds.
The original population of horses with the HMA in 1971 was 65 head. The managed population range recommended is 163 to 363 horses. The existing horse population has been managed to the most current of these numbers through horse gathers in 1989, 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2005. The most census conducted shows a population of approximately 600 head.
Sand Wash Basin is located 45 miles west of Craig. Drive west on U.S. Highway 40 past the town of Maybell. Turn north on Colorado Highway 318 and drive approximately 15 miles. Turn right on CR67 to enter the Basin.
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